The latest and final 'John Wick' trailer barely even hints at the insane, violent pleasures of the finished film. Keanu Reeves' latest action film premiered to rave reviews at Fantastic Fest last week and for good reason -- it's a totally insane, wildly creative and surprisingly fresh experience that plays to all of its star's strengths and none of his weaknesses. This is the movie that proves that there's still life to be found in the American action film.

On paper, the setup sounds as generic as action movies get. Reeves plays the title character, a former hitman who is forced to come out of retirement to get revenge against the people who wronged him. However, his reason for vengeance should tell you everything you need to know: he's out to kill the punks who stole his prized car and killed his adorable puppy. And he kills more people than you can possibly imagine in his quest to settle those totally relatable wrongs.

The film surrounds Reeves with a cast of incredible supporting actors (including Lance Reddick, Ian McShane and Willem Dafoe) and places these characters in an unexpectedly original, rich and detailed world of assassins and hitmen. This may be the only straightforward action movie in recent memory that will blow you over with its world building. Seriously, if you're an action fan, this is going to be your new favorite movie.

'John Wick' will hit theaters on October 24.

John Wick Poster

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