Kristen Wiig’s Mystery Role Revealed in New ‘Last Man on Earth’ Promo
We still don’t know if SNL and MacGruber pals Kristen Wiig and Will Forte will ever reunite for that MacGruber sequel, but FOX’s The Last Man on Earth will nonetheless get the two back onscreen. See for yourself, as a new Last Man promo for March reveals Wiig’s mysterious character, and apparent affinity for the ‘80s.
TVLine debuted a first official promo for the March 5 return, which sees Wiig appearing in a top-secret recurring role, though evidently one with her own private vault, and surviving pooch. Wiig becomes the latest SNL alum to populate FOX’s post-apocalypse, following Jason Sudeikis as Forte’s character Phil Tandy’s brother, Mike Miller, and Will Ferrell’s brief Season 2 cameo as “Gordon.”
Granted, there’s no telling when exactly the gang will run afoul of Wiig’s character, given they were last seen contemplating a trip to Tokyo (and unaware of poor Gail’s elevator distress). The third season will resume on Sunday, March 5, so stay tuned for the latest in the meantime.
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