The Black and White Cut of ‘Logan’ Is Headed to Theaters – Here’s How to See It
Black-and-white re-edits of crowd-pleasing action blockbusters — so hot right now. George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road exploded heads across the globe upon release in 2015, and though the oversaturated coloration gave the film its distinctive post-apocalyptic look, rumors that Miller had planned a monochromatic cut of the film compelled fans to demand just that. The so-called ‘Black and Chrome’ edit drained all the color from the film, leaving something sparser and bleaker. And now Logan will be the latest to undergo a similar process, rendering a gritty and tough superhero picture as something even grittier and tougher. [Spits out mouthful of nails.]
The final Wolverine solo film will get a theatrical re-release this month as Logan Noir, a black-and-white cut of the Western-inflected hack-and-slash flick. The Alamo Drafthouse chain of theaters announced today that on Tuesday, May 16, their locations across America (you can find the full list on the event page) will screen the new edit along with a live-streamed Q&A with director James Mangold. Alamo’s going one step further and, as is their wont, making a big thing out of it: The announcement calls for black-and-white attire to match the film, with the added warning that this dress code will be strictly enforced at the Brooklyn screening. Which, all things said, is a pretty Brooklyn move. No better way to fit in with the rest of the neighborhood than to make particular demands about apparel, really.
Attendees will also receive a special poster for the event, to proudly display in their homes as proof that yes, they once got dressed up for a movie. The effect that the draining of color will actually have on the film, however, remains unclear. Will this enrich the experience in some way, really driving home the desolation? Or do people just feel like seeing black-and-white versions of movies makes them fancier somehow?
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