Lionsgate Wants to Make More ‘Hunger Games’ Movies After ‘Mockingjay – Part 2’
Lots of ‘Hunger Games’ news today for you Panemaniacs. In addition to ‘Mockingjay - Part 2’ coming out in IMAX 3D, Lionsgate also announced that the franchise may not end with the upcoming fourth film, which is due in theaters on November 20.
Via Deadline, here’s what Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer told investors on a call earlier today:
... he’s ‘actively looking at some development and thinking about prequel and sequel possibilities’ for the ‘Hunger Games’ franchise.
On the one hand, ‘The Hunger Games’ franchise has already gone one movie too long; Lionsgate split the final book, ‘Mockingjay,’ into two parts. The first was released last November, felt like half a movie and went on to become the highest grossing movie of 2014 in the U.S. anyway. With the addition of extra revenue from IMAX and 3D, ‘Mockingjay - Part 2’ could give ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ and ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ a run for their money (or, really, our money). So while it may not make a whole lot of narrative sense to prolong the series, it sure makes a whole lot of financial sense.
My pitch for the potential spinoff: An animated TV series called ‘The Hunger Games Babies.’ Just imagine how cute Josh Hutcherson would look as a tiny baby! Man, I’m a genius.
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