Watch the Entire Cast of ‘Parks and Recreation’ Sing ‘Bye Bye, Li’l Sebastian’
If you’re still feeling emotional about last night’s series finale of Parks and Recreation, this might not make you feel better, but it will certainly make you feel more. On last night’s Late Night With Seth Meyers, the entire cast of the series joined Meyers to talk about their show (and saying goodbye to it, sniff sniff). From Amy Poehler to Chris Pratt, Adam Scott to Aubrey Plaza, Aziz Ansari to Nick Offerman, everyone was here to celebrate the show. And you know who else was there in spirit? Li’l Sebastian. More tears, it’s okay, let it out.
The entire cast honored the memory of Li’l Sebastian during the film’s conclusion, a stirring musical rendition that had some unexpected emotional (and physical) consequences for some of the show’s stars.
Want to check out the rest of the Late Night farewell to Parks and Recreation? We’ve got you because we love you and we like you.
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