‘Rick and Morty’ Season 4 Might Get Additional Episodes
We’re not quite ready to say goodbye to Rick and Morty Season 3, especially after only ten episodes and multiple prior delays. However long Rick and Morty Season 4 might take, there’s at least good news – co-creator Dan Harmon is aiming for an expanded episode order.
Don’t start celebrating just yet, as it remains to be seen whether a fourth season falls victim to the same internal revisions that saw the series sitting out 2016 entirely. Season 3 was originally intended as at least fourteen episodes (as opposed to the tenth episode finale this coming Sunday), but Harmon tells Entertainment Weekly he’s optimistic they can earn the additional episodes next year:
I mostly blame myself for doing 10 instead of 14. I’m still learning how to do the show efficiently while catering to the perfectionist in all of us. I would like to think I’ve learned enough from my mistakes in season 3 that we could definitely do 14 now, but then I have to say, ‘Yeah but you’re the guy who says we can do 14 who turned out to be wrong so we’re not listening to you now.’ The nice healthy way to approach this is I want to prove it with the first 10 of season 4 — prove it to ourselves, to production, to the network — that it’s so easy that we’ll earn additional episodes.
In particular, Harmon pointed toward his three-season flameout with Community as inspiration to do better with Rick and Morty Season 4, in order “to prove that I’ve grown.” Past Rick and Morty scheduling headaches also led to the fan-favorite (and less creatively burdensome) “Look Who’s Purging Now,” and Harmon notes “I think the audience would vote unanimously for the idea of 14 episodes instead of 10 on the condition that 4 of them would be [Purge Planet level] episodes.”
You can watch the trailer for Rick and Morty’s Season 3 finale below, but should Season 4 stick to ten episodes if it means a faster return?