SNL Cuts Another Kyle Mooney Sketch in Amy Poehler Christmas Bit
Time and time again, the SNL cut-for-time sketches week to week have proven among the funniest, if weirdest the series has to offer, particularly at the hands of Kyle Mooney. Another deleted bit from Amy Poehler (and Tina Fey)’s 2015 closer doesn’t quite continue the trend, but “Christmas at Nana’s” is worth a watch all the same.
Not quite so bizarrely funny as the recurring sitcom parodies with Beck Bennett, this week’s cut-for-time SNL sketch instead sees Mooney paired with Amy Poehler as his sister, the two trading whisper insults at one another. Kate McKinnon also recurs as the siblings’ mother, getting in the three-minute sketch’s best gag as well.
That’s all she wrote until 2016, until Girls and Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Adam Driver takes the SNL stage for the first time, with an official musical guest to be announced. In the meantime, check out the cut-for-time bit above, along with the Top SNL Sketches of 2015, and count down the days until we can have Amy Poehler back.
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