As hard as it is to believe, 'Star Trek Into Darkness' is only two months away. Seems like we're just so used to it being so far away that it's really quite exciting to realize that now, it's closer than you think. To celebrate, we've got two new images from the sequel, as well as news on when you can expect a new trailer to hit. (And that's closer than you think as well!)

As seen in the image above, we've got a classic shot of Kirk and Spock looking very concerned. (Kirk has recently paid a visit to an interplanetary hair stylist, apparently.) Below, we get another look at Benedict Cumberbatch as "John Harrison"; you know he's a bad dude because he pops the collar on his sleek black coat.

As for that new trailer, TrekMovie reports that an international preview will appear at midnight tonight! To be more specific: the trailer will be found on iTunes at 12:00 am PST; so you east coasters are going to be up plenty late waiting for it. Rest assured, we'll post it ASAP so the entire country can unite in excitement over the year's most anticipated sequel, which opens on May 17th.


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