David Letterman and Oscar Isaac Show the First Clip From ‘Star Wars: Episode 7’
Well...not really. But, David Letterman couldn't help but bust Oscar Isaac's chops.
Turns out, Letterman has some concerns. Mostly, the 'Late Show' host wants to make sure that 'A Most Violent Year' star Oscar Isaac really, really wants to be in his next two features, which just so happen to be 'X-Men: Apocalypse' and 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens.' See, Letterman recently watched Isaac in 'A Most Violent Year' and really loved his work in the high drama, and his main concern is that Isaac's new roles won't allow him to sport a cool camelhair coat and walk around a lot. This is a valid worry!
Still, Isaac assure Letterman that, yes, he's very excited about both of his upcoming roles, camelhair coat or not. And, no, there will be no camelhair coat. Well, probably.
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