Star Wars: The Force Awakens won’t finish breaking box-office records anytime soon (er, technically it will after overtaking Avatar), but inevitably, J.J. Abrams’ entry into the Star Wars saga will have to land on TV. And rather than any major FX debut, HBO run or even streaming option, The Force Awakens will play on Starz before all.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, The Force Awakens represents the last of Disney’s films to be included in a deal with Starz, closing out 2015 before the agreement lapses. As previously reported, Disney will enter a new deal with Netflix, one that included rights to five Star Wars films in foreign markets (A New Hope still belongs to 20th Century Fox), with no current plans for stateside streaming.

The New York Post also claims that Starz obtained rights to The Force Awakens for a paltry $17.5 million, potentially placing the its window as early as a December 2016 launch. Granted, it’s possible Disney could offer a large sum to buy back the rights, though Starz isn’t likely to give up such a prized acquisition until it absolutely has to.

In the meantime, you can inflate the box office even further with another viewing, or pick yourself up a Starz account sometime in the distant future. Or, you know. A long, long time ago.

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