Comic-Con 2015 won’t be lacking in all things Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as Disney plans to work overtime to remind people of this movie’s existence. While the big panel will surely introduce new footage and character details, the saga will be present in every corner of the convention hall. Which means toys. Lots of toys. Yes, the first The Force Awakens toys will make their debut at Comic-Con and our first look at a few of them has arrived.

The three toy reveals come to us courtesy of EW and they all depict the same character: a Stormtrooper. Don’t fret – you’ll by able to own tiny plastic versions of Poe Dameron and BB-8 soon enough. Leading with Stormtroopers merch is just a classic Star Wars move.

First up is this the “LEGO Buildable First Order Stormtrooper,” who arrives in 81 separate pieces and will stand nine inches once he’s fully assembled. This guy will be on display at Comic-Con, but you won’t be able to take him home until January 1, 2016. More importantly, LEGO claims they will have a life-size Stormtrooper built from traditional bricks on display.


For slightly more serious collectors, here’s another First Order Stormtooper, the latest edition to the “Black Series” of highly detailed figures that are built more for display than play. This figure, along with its exclusive packaging, will be available for purchase at Comic-Con this year for $24.99.


And finally, the First Order Stormtoopers will join the rest of the Star Wars universe and have a Hot Wheels car inspired by their likeness. Because who needs spaceships when you got a sweet ride like that?


Comic-Con 2015 runs from July 9-12 and yes, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to new Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys that will be unveiled.

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