New on DVD, Blu-ray and streaming this week, summertime action, a horror-comedy for kids, some bootlegging with bruising action, and creepy scares. ...
This was a rough week at the box office, guys, If we had an decency whatsoever, we'd call it a day and simply not report just how poorly every movie did these past three days, but alas: the world must keep spinning. Summer is over, the Fall is upon us and we've entered the weakest part of the year for both new releases and box office grosses. Let's just get this over with, shall we?
This stagnant post-Summer weekend was the perfect time and place for 'The Possession,' After all, September is where many movies go to die, so isn't it an appropriate place for a horror movie? With no new competition, it wasn't a question of whether or not the film was going to grab the number one spot, but how much it was going to make while doing so.
It's a little sad when you're let down by a film -- anyone who loves movies can certainly laugh at a bad film with the best of them -- but I think the real secret key to the movie lover's club's most secret hallows would be how you want every movie to be good. Or even amazing.
Take, for example, this week's 'Lawless,' a Prohibition-era drama about the Bondurant boys, backwoods bootleggers who refused to play along with a more hypocritical and corrupt form of the previous hypocritical corruption that had been earning them a fortune up to now.
2012 has been quite a year for eccentric performances. Matthew McConaughey in 'Magic Mike,' Michael Shannon in 'Premium Rush,' Rep. Todd Akin on the campaign trail. . .but the winner of this year's Walken/Cage prize surely has to go to the relative newcomer to the A-list Tom Hardy. Between his masked anarchist Bane in 'The Dark Knight Rises' and his authority-resistant bag of muscles, Forrest Bond
Sometimes people feel the need to make money their own way regardless of what the law states. We see how over their heads a couple of brothers get as outlaws in John Hillcoat's latest movie 'Lawless.'
As the summer is coming to a close, one of the most interesting films in the next few weeks is John Hillcoat’s 'Lawless,' which stars Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman and Guy Pearce in a tale of bootleggers who stand up to corrupt cops. And if that roster of talent doesn't interest you, these featurettes will probably do nothing for you.
Shia LaBeouf is trying hard to be a badass -- first with his music video where he shook his bojangles at us, and secondly with scoring the role in the upcoming action flick 'Lawless.' We did get a glimpse of him in the official movie trailer along with 'Dark Knight' alumni Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy, but The Weinstein Company recently released seven brand new character posters that gave us an even
August is summer's last hurrah at the box office. As such, there are a ton of fantastic films hitting your local theater this month, including some of the best independent films of the year so far. Read on for our list of theatrical releases and dates for this August and start planning accordingly.
"It is not the violence that sets men apart. It is the distance that he is prepared to go." Mighty strong words from the second trailer of the upcoming action/drama 'Lawless' starring Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce. And if the trailer doesn't convince you these guys don't mean business, then the infographic showing off their weapons will.