The Han Solo movie continues its production with a brand new face today, as Ron Howard has just added Paul Bettany to the film. The director made the announcement on Twitter, where he tweeted a photo of himself a Bettany on the set.
True crime remains in vogue, and there may be no subject more topical than domestic terrorism. Discovery’s new miniseries Manhunt: Unabomber will bring us both, as Avengers star Paul Bettany plays the infamous bomber in a first trailer.
Something that’s always peeved fans a little bit is Marvel’s somewhat labored finagling of romance into their movies. While shipping characters like Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (a.k.a. Stucky), Thor and Loki (okay, it’s not like they’re really related), or even Tony Stark and Rhodey is all the rage amongst the fandoms, Marvel’s movies have generally kept things Extremely Hetero. Lately, we’ve gotten some weird stuff like Black Widow and Bruce Banner developing a relationship seemingly out of nowhere in Age of Ultron, and Scarlet Witch and Vision getting a little Stockholm Syndrome-y during Civil War. It looks like the latter is still on, as some new set photos from Infinity War have revealed.