Triple Frontier, once a promising thriller with a fabulous cast, has been shedding people like mad for the past few months. First, Channing Tatum and Tom Hardy exited the project, then Paramount dropped it, Netflix picked it up and Ben and Casey Affleck attached themselves in Tatum and Hardy’s places. But today Ben Affleck announced he’d be exiting the project.
Triple Frontier has had one of the weirdest and most fraught production histories in recent memory, and while Paramount axed the film from its schedule three weeks ago, it’s not over yet. J.C. Chandor’s film, which was supposed to star Channing Tatum, Tom Hardy, and Mahershala Ali (after it was supposed to be directed by Kathryn Bigelow some years ago), has lost two of its actors and its release date, but it just got a few helping hands from some surprising sources.
Hollywood is a magical land of opportunity where stars are made and exciting new stories are told every day. It’s also a land of crushed dreams where sometimes the projects you’re most excited for never come to fruition. Such is the case with South American border thriller Triple Frontier, once a Kathryn Bigelow project, until now boasting a cast of everyone’s boyfriends Tom Hardy, Channing Tatum, and Mahershala Ali, but as of today shelved once again.
Last month, it was announced that Tom Hardy and Channing Tatum were in talks to team up for Triple Frontier, a film set in the crime-ridden border zone between three South American countries. It looks like they’re not only both a done deal, they’re also getting a third member to round out the cast: Moonlight and Luke Cage star and recent SAG Award winner Mahershala Ali.
It’s January 2017, the start of a new year full of promising movies and movie news, not the least of which is today’s announcement that Tom Hardy and Channing Tatum are both circling a project from Paramount titled Triple Frontier.