New ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 4 Deleted Scenes: Doom and Gloom on the Road to Terminus
Fresh 'Walking Dead' has been hard to come by since the season 5 trailer debut at Comic-Con 2014, but the season 4 Blu-Ray (hey, you can win one of those!) continually spills out fresh guts goodies for fans. Two more season 4 deleted scenes have arrived, showing that the road to Terminus, for Rick, Carl, Carol, Tyreese and Michonne may have been more deadly than we got to see.
The first clip sees Tyreese and Carol out on the tracks with Lizzie and Mieke (hey, remember them?), before Tyreese spots an ominous sight up ahead, and attempts to lead the girls past it without them seeing. Elsewhere, a second clip from season 4 finale "A" shows Rick giving Carl a pep talk about the man they'd seen gruesomely devoured in the distance, just before Michonne spots something worthwhile on their path.
While we wait for ‘The Walking Dead,’ season 5, we know that existing stars Christian Serratos (Rosita), Alanna Masterson (Tara) and Andrew J. West (Gareth) have all been upgraded to series regulars, while ‘The Wire‘ star Seth Gilliam joined in a role confirmed to be that of comic preacher Gabriel Stokes. The fifth season of AMC’s monster-drama will pick up shortly after season 4 finale “A,” eschewing the usual time jump to show Rick and his cohorts’ time at Terminus. Oh, and don’t forget about that Comic-Con 2014 trailer, or our beat-by-beat breakdown of its secrets!
'The Walking Dead' will finally shamble out season 5 on October 12, so check out the latest deleted scenes above and below, and tell us what you want from the new episodes in the comments! Not only that, but don't forget to catch up with the series' first four seasons with our recap of Everything You Need to Know About 'The Walking Dead' in 60 Seconds!
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