Yet another nostalgic favorite from the 1990s is back with the upcoming debut of Tiny Toons Looniversity, an update of the early ’90s animated series Tiny Toon Adventures. The original series, which produced just under 100 episodes from 1990 to 1992, was an attempt to add a new generation of characters to the Looney Tunes library, with a crew of young cartoons, all loosely inspired by Looney Tunes favorites — like Buster and Babs Bunny after Bugs Bunny, and Plucky Duck after Daffy Duck, and Montana Max after Yosemiti Sam, and so on — all attending “Acme Looniversity” where they study under the original Looney Tunes characters, who teach the new kids how to be great ’toons.

Based on the title and the first trailer for the series, the new Tiny Toons Looniversity seems to stick very closely to the original concept. The Tiny Toons are back, as are the Acme Looniversity setting and faculty. Take a look at the first teaser, which debuts later this year, below:

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Tiny Toons was often paired on the Fox Kids broadcast lineup with Animaniacs, another Warner Bros. animated series produced by Steven Spielberg. That show recently had its own three-season revival on Hulu.

Here is Tiny Toons Looniversity’s official synopsis:

The half-hour animated comedy series reboots Warner Bros. Animation and Amblin Television’s Emmy Award-winning “Tiny Toon Adventures” for a new generation, following Babs, Buster, and the rest of the crew to Acme Looniversity. At the esteemed institution of higher hijinx learning, they form long-lasting friendships  and perfect their cartoony craft while studying under the greatest cartoon characters in history, the Looney Tunes.

Tiny Toons Looniversity premieres this fall on Cartoon Network and Max. I’m still waiting for a revival of Taz-Mania.

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