The Top Five Most Shameless Superman Rip-Offs
In the tradition of ScreenCrush series like You Think You Know Movies and You Think You Know TV comes a new YouTube series: Top Five! Each week (or so; we’ve got a lot of other stuff going on), ScreenCrush editor and critic Matt Singer will count down a particular topic from the world of movies (and probably write these introductory posts in the third person).
You guys were such big fans of our Top Five on shameless Star Wars rip-offs, that we decided, with Batman vs. Superman fast approaching, to do a shameless rip-off of ourselves! This time we’re ranking the most shameless Superman rip-offs from all over the world, and man the shamelessness of these Supermen puts those Star Wars knockoffs to shame. Forget a lightsaber or space battle here or there, these movies steal Superman’s costume, his powers, this origin, even his theme song! (And, in one case, James Bond’s theme song as well.) Remember: He fights for truth, justice, and the American way. Nobody said anything about protecting copyrights.
Top Five is a ScreenCrush original series that ranks all kinds of cool stuff from the world of movies. This is our twelfth episode, so check out some of our past episodes below. Plus, we want your feedback, so be sure to let us know what Top Fives you want to see in future episodes! And don’t forget to subscribe to the ScreenCrush YouTube channel below to catch all our future episodes. Until next time, beware of Supermen with very large chest logos. They will probably try to dance with you.
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