Watch ‘Breaking Bad’ Premiere “Blood Money” Right Now!
Earlier this morning we caught wind of a bit of 'Breaking Bad' fan outrage over iTunes season passes, but as far as wanting to watch the final 'Breaking Bad' premiere episode, "Blood Money," we've got you covered! AMC has released the full stream of Sunday's harrowing premiere online, so are you ready to see what happens when Heisenberg faces off with his own brother-in-law, Hank?
The latest episode from 'Breaking Bad' picks up exactly where we left off, both with a grizzled future Walt returning home to tie up some loose ends, and the present story of Hank (Dean Norris) coming to an important realization atop his porcelain throne. Given that only seven episodes remain for the entire series after the premiere, you may want to buckle up for how swiftly things move.
Meanwhile, among the recent photos and teasers of ‘Breaking Bad’’s last run, executive producer Peter Gould ominously warned, “We wouldn’t have brought an M-60 into the show if we didn’t know we were going to have a hell of a finish.” Bryan Cranston too has warned us of the ultimate end, which series creator Vince Gilligan once called a “triumph” for Walter White, but Cranston suggested to take a dark turn for the White family at large.
So in case you haven't already, watch the 'Breaking Bad' premiere, "Blood Money," above, and give us your predictions for the final seven episodes in the comments!