‘Wonder’ Trailer: Julia Roberts and Jacob Tremblay Are Going to Make You Cry
After you watch the first trailer for Wonder, two things will happen: First, you’re going to need to grab some tissues because something damp might be happening around your eyeball-area. After you’ve successfully tended to that whole situation, you’ll probably demand — out loud, to no one in particular — the names of the complete monsters who made this movie.
That would be Julia Roberts and prolific adorable child actor Jacob Tremblay, with a hardcore assist from director and co-writer Stephen Chbosky — the same Stephen Chbosky who smashed your heart into 1,000 pieces with The Perks of Being a Wallflower. His latest film centers on a young boy coping with facial differences, which, as you might expect, leads to all sorts of heartbreaking and heartwarming moments when he starts attending his local public school. Yep, kids are cruel as hell, but they can also be super-sweet, which is where those aforementioned tissues come in.
And if you couldn’t bring yourself to watch the trailer (maybe you’re at work and need a safe space), here’s the official synopsis:
Based on the New York Times bestseller, WONDER tells the inspiring and heartwarming story of August Pullman. Born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to a mainstream school, Auggie becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters the local fifth grade. As his family, his new classmates, and the larger community all struggle to find their compassion and acceptance, Auggie’s extraordinary journey will unite them all and prove you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.
Wonder also stars Owen Wilson, Hamilton’s Daveed Diggs and Mandy Patinkin, and hits theaters on November 17.
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