Prepare for a ‘Wonder Woman’ Sequel Announcement and Release Date at Comic-Con
We know a Wonder Woman sequel is happening – how could Warner Bros. not give us another Diana Prince outing after Patty Jenkins‘ film smashed its way to the top of the box office? The film, which has bypasses the final Harry Potter film to become the studio’s third-biggest release of all time, has yet to get an official sequel announcement, but there are rumors that such news is on the way.
In the next few days we’ll be bombarded with an endless stream of news out of San Diego Comic-Con and you can bet Warner Bros. will drop some DC announcements. According to The Hollywood Reporter, “if all goes as planned” (whatever that means) the studio will announce Wonder Woman 2 along with a release date later this week at Comic-Con. The trade also reveals that Jenkins will (thankfully) be return to the director’s chair. That's no surprise though, as Jenkins already said she was working on a treatment for the second film last month.
Previous reports suggest that the untitled Wonder Woman 2 will be jump from World War I to find Gal Gadot‘s Diana in the 1980s. Set at the end of the Cold War, the sequel would find Diana facing off with the superpowers of the Soviet Union. But most surprisingly is the rumor that Chris Pine‘s Steve Trevor may return for the second film. Either way, prepare for some wonderful news to hit Comic-Con in the coming days.
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