You Won’t See Any ‘Wonder Woman’ Deleted Scenes Because They Don’t Exist
Zack Snyder had so much additional material for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that he delivered a three-hour director’s cut for the Blu-ray release. And after all those reports of reshoots and competing cuts, Suicide Squad arrived on home video with a decent amount of bonus footage — mostly featuring Jared Leto’s Joker. As for Wonder Woman, director Patty Jenkins says you shouldn’t expect to see any deleted scenes when the film hits DVD and Blu-ray…because there aren’t any deleted scenes, like, at all.
That seems somewhat appropriate for a movie that boasts a few notable firsts: It’s the first movie in the DCEU to be led by a woman; it’s the first superhero movie directed by a woman since 2008; and it’s the first solo female superhero movie to hit theaters in over 10 years. And now it’ll be the first DCEU movie to hit Blu-ray without any deleted scenes or additional footage — which may very well be a testament to director Patty Jenkins’ confidence and efficiency as a filmmaker.
At a recent junket, Jenkins told Collider that she already has a copy of the Wonder Woman DVD, and that Warner Bros. keeps “wanting to put cut scenes and there aren’t any.” She explains:
You know, it’s not like a long journey didn’t happen but what amazes me is how little has actually changed from the first cut other than tightening. Little changes to the final battle, that was really it. I think that what I ended up finding about the final battle was I was hitting emotional points for Diana that I really wanted to hit but I felt a craving for some other kinds of emotional gratification and engagement that we tried to accentuate even more. I think what you learn is rhythm, tone, humor where the jokes are happening but in our case, I just now can finally say all this. We didn’t cut one scene in this movie nor did we change the order of one scene in this movie from the script that we went in shooting with.
While there isn’t any deleted footage, Jenkins said she did swap out a sequence in which Diana walks to No Man’s Land with a different version of the same scene.
Collider has more from Jenkins, who also addressed an inaccurate rumor that surfaced a while back, which suggested that Wonder Woman’s production was a “mess.” According to early reactions from critics, that’s definitely not the case, as many have praised Jenkins’ film as the best DCEU movie yet.
Wonder Woman stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Robin Wright, and hits theaters on June 2.
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