Wargaming is set to bring their free-to-play game, World of Tanks, to the Xbox 360. But, in order to do that, they'll have to work with Microsoft to help smooth out the updating process.

An article on Polygon features an interview with Victor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming. With regard to Microsoft's policy for updating games, Kislyi said, "The good thing is with online games, sometimes if you screw up, you can do frequent updates. But one of the biggest challenges with Microsoft was the frequency of updates because the QA process and certification process takes an extremely long time. Totally unacceptable for a meaningful free-to-play. We are working with them to do quicker updates."

It's a good thing that they're working with Microsoft in order to streamline the process, but whether or not other developers will see similar changes is unknown. The work should make it so that the game is updated quickly and more efficiently, making sure that players' experiences are smooth.

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