Regardless of network, any and all DC TV series spur talk of crossover potential from fans. The Flash arrived with its Arrow connection built in, but despite Supergirl’s CBS proximity to The CW, executive producer Greg Berlanti confirms that the universes will remain separate (for now, anyway).

The Flash star Grant Gustin and Supergirl heroine Melissa Benoist may appear side-by-side with Berlanti on the latest issue of Variety, though Berlanti defers to CBS boss Nina Tassler on the potential for a CW crossover. Tassler had previously suggested Supergirl would be sticking to her own network, something Berlanti echoes in a new interview:

The network has said publicly at this point they’re going to keep her to themselves. I always approach the shows as a fan first, so I would love to see [a crossover]…I think in success, all things are possible. But there’s a lot that would have to happen before everybody might say yes to that.

Berlanti also spoke of the exponentially larger budget required of CBS to bring Supergirl to life:

With what we accomplished and learned from ‘The Flash,’ if we could do that on an even larger scale, on a bigger network, what would that look like? […]

[The CW] would never have been able to afford the kind of budget we have.

Of course, any potential crossover could also create a host of continuity issues for the Arrow-Flash universe, which itself has already undergone a few timey-wimey shenanigans, likely to continue through tomorrow’s Flash finale, and end up further compounded by the Legends of Tomorrow. For one, the Supergirl trailer made abundantly clear that Superman has been a public figure for years, while both Arrow and The Flash treat superpowers like a relatively new phenomenon, let alone throwing aliens in the mix.

Fun as it might be to see Supergirl or The Flash together one day, we’ll have to settle for Variety’s cover for now. Would the team-up be worth any potential continuity headaches? Rewatch the trailer below and judge for yourself.

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