We’ll never get an actual West Wing revival (maybe talk to Sorkin after another Newsroom), but that hasn’t stopped the cast from reprising their roles from time to time in one promo or another. The latest actually made it into the White House, as West Wing alum Allison Janney returned C.J. Cregg to the fold for an actual briefing.

Janney (as Cregg) unexpectedly dropped by the White House’s morning’s press briefing, claiming Barack Obama’s Press Secretary Josh Earnest had to sit out the briefing for a root canal. The prior West Wing favorite assured press that Obama was hard at work prepping material for the Correspondents’ Dinner this weekend, and even referenced the Ronny Jordan “Jackal” bit her character would lip-sync now and then.

It isn’t clear exactly what prompted the appearance, or if any similar gags lie in store for the Correspondents’ Dinner, though Press Secretary Josh Earnest quickly returned to take the stage.

You can watch the appearance above, and dream of simpler days in which The West Wing seemed like the political climate we’d strive toward.

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