Meet ‘Ash Vs. Evil Dead’s Demonic Season 2 Villain in New Photo
Initial promotion for Ash Vs. Evil Dead Season 2 telegraphed that Lucy Lawless’ Ruby would join the side of the angels (ish), leaving a deadly void for a new brand of evil to cram itself into. Said villain is finally here, as a new Season 2 photo reveals a Sons of Anarchy alum as the evil Baal, a bigger threat than Ruby herself.
Starz released the brand-new photo of Anarchy star Joel Tobeck as Baal, described as more powerful than anything Ash and co. have previously faced, and clearly someone at odds with Ruby Knowby. One might imagine Ruby’s use of the Necronomicon last season got away from her, while here’s how Starz lays out the new big bad:
When Baal is released from the underworld, our team will face an enemy more powerful then then any that have come before. One with bigger plans than just destroying Ash as well as a secret link to Ruby (Lucy Lawless).
Now set for an October 2 premiere, Ash Vs. Evil Dead also released the latest Season 2 synopsis:
The second season roars back into action with Ash leaving his beloved Jacksonville and returning to his hometown of Elk Grove. There, he confronts Ruby. The former enemies have to form an uneasy alliance as Elk Grove soon becomes the nucleus of evil.
Elsewhere of Ash Vs. Evil Dead Season 2, we know that Sam Raimi’s brother Ted will appear in the role of Ash’s childhood best friend Chet Kaminski, independent of the prior three appearances in other Evil Dead movies (which can all now be referenced). Lee Majors, meanwhile, will play the role of Brock Williams, Ash’s father.
You can check out the full Season 2 trailer below, as well as the red-band, but will Ash Vs. Evil Dead Season 2 bring the biggest bad of all?
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