The Best Movie Posters of 2016
Our ongoing celebration of the best from the world of film in 2016 continues with our ranking of the finest movie posters of the year. In the gallery above you’ll see our picks for the 25 best. They range from massive hits to to tiny indie releases; we decided not to limit our list just to huge commercial successes. We don’t determine a movie’s quality by its box-office totals. Why should we determine a poster’s quality that way?
We restricted ourselves to posters (but not necessarily movies) released in the calendar year of 2016. So early posters for 2017 movies were eligible (and a few made the cut), but posters for 2016 that were unveiled in 2015 were not. (But you will find a few of those, like The Lobster, on our list of the best posters of last year. Please check there before emailing us to complain that we forgot something.) Beyond all of that, the only additional criteria were that the poster had to catch the eye of someone (or multiple someones) on the ScreenCrush staff, and to blend art and commerce into one arresting image that would look good hanging on someone’s wall.
What were your favorite movie posters of 2015? Did we get it right with our picks? Let us know in the comments below. ScreenCrush’s Best of 2016 roundup will continue on Monday.