‘Captain Marvel’ Trailer: Every Easter Egg and Secret
The first trailer for Captain Marvel is here at last, and ScreenCrush’s video editor, Ryan Arey, was so excited about it he tore the thing to pieces looking for every secret, clue, and Easter egg. The actual trailer is just two minutes long. Ryan’s video about it clocks in at a whopping nine and a half minutes.
He needed that much time to piece together all of its clues about what is really going on in this mysterious Marvel production. Just what is the timeline of events here? Is Captain Marvel actually (gulp) a bad guy at the start of the film? How does she snap out of it? And does she return her videos to Blockbuster in time to avoid late fees?!? The video above breaks all that down and more.
If you liked this video about all of the many Easter eggs and potential spoilers in the new Captain Marvel trailer, check out some more of our videos below, including our video about a possible Captain Marvel Easter egg in Avengers: Infinity War, our theories about the Captain Marvel film’s real plot, and guesses as to who Jude Law is really playing in the movie. (Hint: It ain’t Mar-Vell.) Plus, there’s tons more over at ScreenCrush’s YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to catch all our future episodes. Captain Marvel opens in theaters on March 8, 2019.
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