While 'Doctor Who' fans eagerly anticipate this Saturday's premiere episode "The Bells of St. John," kicking off the second half of the long-running sci-fi drama's seventh season and first run of episodes featuring Clara Oswin Oswald (Jenna-Louise Coleman) as the Doctor's new companion, a number of mysteries remain. For instance, what was fan-favorite character Commander Strax doing in 2012 Christmas special "The Snowmen" after dying in the season 6 finale? Bridge the gap to prepare for new 'Doctor Who' with an all-new mini-sode inside!

'Doctor Who' will soon return to its seventh season this Saturday March 30 with "The Bells of St. John," kicking off a run of episodes that lead us into the mysterious 50th anniversary special, but a few lingering questions remain from the current season. In particular, fans were surprised to see the appearance of comic relief character Strax (Dan Starkey) in 2012 Christmas special "The Snowmen," considering he, well, died in the season 6 finale "The Wedding of River Song."

Or did he? The latest 'Doctor Who' mini-sode "The Battle of Demon's Run: Two Days Later" fills in the gap, showing how Strax returned to life and found himself in the employ of Madame Vastra and her companion Jenny, living to bumble yet another day.

You can check out the new mini-sode below, and keep counting down to the return of 'Doctor Who' on Saturday March 30! Tell us what you're most excited to see from new episodes in the comments!

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