According to Producer Frank Marshall, ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Is Still in the ‘Thinking Stages’
For a movie that hasn’t been written yet and is still four years away from its release, we sure seem to know a lot about the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. We know that both Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford will return, John Williams will write the score, George Lucas isn’t writing the story, and Indiana Jones will not get killed at the end of the movie. We also know that Disney is tinkering with giving the Indiana Jones franchise the Star Wars treatment, possibly exploring a combination of prequels, sequels, and standalone films all taking place in the Indiana Jones universe.
And now, according to Indiana Jones producer Frank Marshall, we can finally announce that… that’s about as far as they’ve gotten. In a new interview with Fandango (via Heroic Hollywood), Marshall offered little in the way of new updates for the fifth Indiana Jones movie but did point out the kind of ideas that are being bounced around right now:
That’s still in the thinking stages… I’m not involved in until they come up with the idea and the plan of where they want to go. Then I get involved.
Fandango also asked Marshall to compare the Indiana Jones franchise to the Bourne Identity franchise, another complicated and globe-trotting action-adventure series he has a hand in. Marshall was ready to point out the differences between the two:
I’d say Indiana Jones is different because Indy can have his own adventures without anyone knowing. We just pick him up. It’s like serials, he’s on his last adventure, then he’s on a new adventure. But Bourne has a history attached to him the whole time. You have this character who has a problem and people are empathetic to him and want to see who he really is. That’s the difference. Even though we have the same character going through both franchises, Bourne is a little more difficult because he has the amnesia problem.
With a release date set for July 19, 2019 — and we can and should treat that as etched in stone, because what major blockbuster has ever seen its release date get pushed back? — Disney and company still have plenty of time to iron out some of these details. Much like they did with the Star Wars franchise, Disney is inheriting a property that is much-beloved but also weighed down by recent failures. If Disney wants to create a sustainable long-term model for the franchise, getting those little details right is going to be what brings fans back to the table. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at those brainstorming sessions!