‘Night at the Museum 3′ Trailer: Ben Stiller Discovers the ‘Secret of the Tomb’
It's hard to believe there's a third movie about a museum filled with animated exhibits coming our way, but nonetheless, the first 'Night at the Museum 3' trailer is here to unlock the 'Secret of the Tomb' -- and to make Ben Stiller work for his paycheck.
While the first film took us inside the Museum of Natural History and the second brought us to the Smithsonian, 'Night at the Museum 3' takes us to -- can you guess? No, probably not -- the British Museum in London. Why you ask? Well, according to the official plot, "Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever." Meaning, the magic tablet that brings all these exhibits to life is losing its juice.
As the 'Night at the Museum 3' trailer depicts, the franchise's final bow will feature a bushel of characters, from the returning Robin Williams as President Teddy Roosevelt to newcomers Ben Kingsley and funnygal Rebel Wilson. And don't worry, the same level of Ben Stiller humor that lasted you through the first two films is prevalent once again.
'Night at the Museum 3' (officially titled 'Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb') hits theaters on December 19.
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