Last week, the demo for The Last of Us finally unlocked within copies of God of War: Ascension. Though most of us were just happy to get a chance to play the game before its June 14 release, others took this as an opportunity to see what secrets could be gleaned from the demo's code.

Hidden within the demo is supposedly coding for The Last of Us' multiplayer component. Discovered by Pastebin (and spotted by CVG), the info details a clan-based survival mode, where players will have to manage other survivors to fend off attacks from other clans and the infected.

Inside the code are literally hundreds of details about characters, abilities, weapons, and instances you'll encounter within the game. "Factions fight over territory, supplies, and lives to grow their size and influence. There is safety in numbers - each faction is trying to rebuild its population by finding supplies," the uncovered code read. There will reportedly be disease outbreaks, a wealth of customization options, and scenarios like hostage rescues as well.

Naughty Dog hasn't talked about the multiplayer for The Last of Us at all to this point, save for the small instance of mentioning two multiplayer add-ons were planned as part of the game's season pass. That said, this is hardly the first time undisclosed details about an upcoming game were found within the demo. With only a few weeks to go until The Last of Us arrives, it's likely we'll be learning more about the multiplayer component in an official capacity very soon.

What do you think of the possible multiplayer mode? Will you be giving it a try?

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