All we know of Idris Elba’s part in Star Trek Beyond is that he’s playing a bad guy, and while the latest video for the film’s charity drive / contest doesn’t offer any more hints, it does feature Elba and co-star Chris Pine arguing over Captain Kirk’s chair and having a bit of a pissing contest. Maybe the third Star Trek film should be nothing but these two charmingly bickering.

Star Trek Beyond partnered with several charities for this Omaze contest, which encourages fans to donate $10 to their charity of choice for a chance to win a set visit, or the grand prize of a walk-on role in the film. Each week, they’ve been releasing fun new videos to hype up the contest, and this one might be the most delightful one yet.

The only thing Elba reveals about his role is that he’s playing Captain Kirk now — a joke, of course, but Elba could play just about anyone in this movie and we’d be down.

Previously, co-star and co-writer Simon Pegg revealed that he’s written a “kick-ass role” for Elba, while confirming that the actor will not be playing a Klingon, as many fans speculated. Pegg has also said that he’s writing Star Trek Beyond with the spirit of the classic television series, developing a “story about frontierism and adventure and optimism and fun.”

Star Trek Beyond hits theaters on July 8, 2016.

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