Valiant Comics Acquired by the Company Behind ‘Looper’
Those chromium covers are about to get super valuable again!
With superheroes still the most valuable citizens of Hollywood, another company is looking to get into the comic-book movie business. DMG Entertainment, the production group behind films like Looper, Terminator 2 3-D, the Point Break remake, and the recent film Chappaquiddick, has acquired Valiant Comics, the third biggest publisher in the industry, in order to bring their characters to “film, television and other media platforms.”
As THR notes, numerous Valiant properties are already in various states of development around Hollywood:
Harbinger and Bloodshot are set up at Sony, with the latter title now having Vin Diesel attached to star. Quantum and Woody, a favorite of Mintz's (he likes buddy action comedies), is in development as a television with the Russo Brothers' Getaway Productions, while Dr. Mirage is also set up as a television series with CBS Studios and The CW Network.
When I was a wee lad going to the comic book shop every weekend, Valiant was one of the dominant forces in the industry, and their early issues were among the most coveted by collectors. (And hells yeah, they were all about the chromium covers.) The company has changed hands a few times over the years, and though they’ve never come close to replacing Marvel or DC at the top of the comic book world, they’ve attracted top-flight talent in recent years, working on books like Bloodshot and X-O Manowar. They actually have some strong concepts that would make good TV shows and movies, even though they’ve never gotten off the ground. The new owners will look to change that.
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