The Flash might have the most fun casting from prior incarnations, but CBS’ Supergirl is quickly catching up. Already flush with movie Supergirl Helen Slater as Kara’s adoptive mother, CBS has added Smallvile Kara Zor-El Laura Vandervoort in the role of DC’s Indigo, also casting DC villain Master Jailer.

Per the network’s official announcement, Vandervoort will appear beginning with the season’s 15th outing as DC’s Indigo, described by producers as “a living, strong-willed supercomputer that was sentenced to Fort Rozz after turning against the people of Krypton.” In fact, said executive producer Andrew Kreisberg to reporters at TCA (via TVLine)

“[Indigo] looks badass. She’s going to look awesome. And she definitely won’t look just like Laura. … Being one aspect of the Brainiac program, she comes in through computers, so Winn is actively involved in that episode. She was one of the Fort Rozz prisoners, so how she got there and what she’s been doing on Earth is part of the surprise of the episode.

CBS Supergirl Laura Vandervoort Indigo

Additionally, The Young and the Restless star Jeff Branson will appear in the recurring role of Master Jailer, beginning with the 14th hour, helmed by Lexi Alexander. Says the description:

As the forceful and unrelenting jail guard on Fort Rozz, Master Jailer showed no mercy. Now on Earth, he is hellbent on catching all of the Fort Rozz escapees and brutally bringing them to justice.

CBS Supergirl Jeff Branson Master Jailer

Upcoming episodes will also feature Winn Schott’s famous father, along with a certain Bizarro, but stay tuned for the latest on Supergirl.

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