Kate McKinnon

SNL Cut Another Kyle Mooney Sketch for Amy Poehler Christmas
SNL Cut Another Kyle Mooney Sketch for Amy Poehler Christmas
SNL Cut Another Kyle Mooney Sketch for Amy Poehler Christmas
Time and time again, the SNL cut-for-time sketches week to week have proven among the funniest, if weirdest the series has to offer, particularly at the hands of Kyle Mooney. Another deleted bit from Amy Poehler (and Tina Fey)’s 2015 closer doesn’t quite continue the trend, but “Christmas at Nana’s” is worth a watch all the same.
SNL Unites Amy Poehler and Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clintons
SNL Unites Amy Poehler and Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clintons
SNL Unites Amy Poehler and Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clintons
It’s a testament to the staying power of certain public figures that they’ve been played by more than one SNL cast member over the years. People like Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady turned former Senator turned former Secretary of State turned current Democratic Presidential frontrunner, linger on long past Saturday Night Live cast rotations. So what is the show to do when one of its guest hosts used to play a vital and very much in the public eye politician back in the day? Put her on stage with the current version, of course.
New ‘Ghostbusters’ Photo Makes a Good Argument for the New ‘Ghostbusters’
New ‘Ghostbusters’ Photo Makes a Good Argument for the New ‘Ghostbusters’
New ‘Ghostbusters’ Photo Makes a Good Argument for the New ‘Ghostbusters’
There’s still quite a while to go until the July 15, 2016 release date of Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot, but the fires of fan anticipation must be continually stoked if they’re going to burn strong enough to last through the winter, and the wasteland of pop-cultural apathy that is the month of January...
SNL Introduces the Dating App for Desperate People
SNL Introduces the Dating App for Desperate People
SNL Introduces the Dating App for Desperate People
SNL commercial parodies are at their best when they’re at their most scathing. The fake ad for a fictional dating app called Settl may not be as dark as that vicious, pro-gun parody from a while back, but it’s a different brand of cynical: Here is the app for people who are tired of trying to find the right person and just want to settle down with, well, any person.
SNL’s Ladies Sing About When They ‘First Got Horny 2 U’
SNL’s Ladies Sing About When They ‘First Got Horny 2 U’
SNL’s Ladies Sing About When They ‘First Got Horny 2 U’
Whenever the women of SNL get to together make a music video, it tends to be the highlight of the show. The show’s female line-up is the strongest it has been in years (dare we say ever?) and their fearlessness is only matched by their comedy chops. Nothing is off limits and they‘re not afraid to embrace their femininity in ways that feels honest, insightful, and occasionally deeply weird. Like this sketch, which finds Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant, Cecily Strong, Vanessa Bayer, and guest host Elizabeth Banks singing all about the men who first turned them on when they were young girls.
The ‘Bad Girls’ Rescue SNL From Donald Trump
The ‘Bad Girls’ Rescue SNL From Donald Trump
The ‘Bad Girls’ Rescue SNL From Donald Trump
Last night’s SNL was marred by a guest host who was only there because the show wanted to ride his controversial coattails to a few extra headlines. And it worked. Everyone was talking about Donald Trump being on the newest episode of SNL. Unfortunately, publicity does not a good episode make and the Presidential hopeful showcased a distinct lack of talent and comedic chops. Thankfully, there were sketches that didn’t feature him and some of those were good. Take the “Bad Girls” video, which is evidence that the current crop of women on the show may very well be the anti-Trump when it comes to being watchable and funny.
‘SNL’ Introduces Fake Hillary to the Real Hillary
‘SNL’ Introduces Fake Hillary to the Real Hillary
‘SNL’ Introduces Fake Hillary to the Real Hillary
SNL has never been afraid to skewer politicians, taking aim at their policies and personal problems in equal measure. However, the show has also never been afraid to let those politicians appear on the show itself to prove that they’re good sports who can take a joke. Last night’s season premiere brought Hillary Clinton on stage to have an extended interaction with, well, Kate McKinnon’s impersonation of her.
‘Ghostbusters’ Cast and Crew Have Awesome Response to Haters
‘Ghostbusters’ Cast and Crew Have Awesome Response to Haters
‘Ghostbusters’ Cast and Crew Have Awesome Response to Haters
If you’ve been anywhere near the internet when Paul Feig’s new Ghostbusters movie is mentioned, then you’re well aware of the horrid response from a certain contingency of fan boys who already hate the movie based on the decision to cast four women in the lead roles. There have been the usual, lame cries of “You’re ruining my childhood!” and “Way to f— up the original!” Feig and the cast and crew of the film have mostly kept quiet…until now. And they’ve got the absolute best response to all those whiny haters.

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