First ‘Arrow’ 2017 Trailer Reveals the Truth About Laurel’s Return
The Arrow midwinter finale may not have answered the big question about Prometheus, but producers still threw one major curveball with those closing moments. Now, the first trailer for Season 5's January return gives a spoiler-y answer to Laurel’s return, as well as some fallout from the finale’s big death.
You’re warned of some surprising early spoilers for 2017 from here on out, but our first look at January 25 return “Who Are You?” seems to confirm that the Laurel found standing in the bunker in the closing moments is not the Black Canary we remember. Judging by the demeanor and a natural Canary Cry, it seems overwhelmingly likely we’re looking at the Black Siren of Earth-2, who was last seen locked in The Flash pipeline in Season 2.
Assuming we’re correct, there’s every chance that Flashpoint somehow changed the circumstances of Siren’s incarceration, but we’d at least hope the Flash team reached out at some point to say “Hey, we have a duplicate of your dead best friend in our basement.” For the moment, it also remains unclear how long Katie Cassidy will be sticking around Arrow Season 5, given her all-around contract.
While we wait, check out the first trailer above, and stay tuned for the latest.
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