Michael Bay Picks ‘Robopocalypse,’ Action Movie From ‘Deadpool’ Team as Next Films
After delivering unto audiences five Transformers movies, Michael Bay, in his infinite wisdom, has finally chosen which action movies he shall bestow upon us next — and it probably won’t come as a surprise to learn that one of them is about robots. But first: Bay will take a brief break from all that robot Bayhem with an action flick from the writers of Deadpool.
Variety reports that Bay has lined up his next two directing gigs — and despite a recent report about his potential involvement in Warner Bros.’ Lobo movie (currently undergoing rewrites to please the almighty Bay), neither of them have anything to do with the DCEU. (Though I suppose he could still direct the Lobo movie somewhere down the line.)
First up, Bay will helm 6 Underground, based on a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the duo behind Deadpool and its highly-anticipated sequel. Little is known about 6 Underground, though the action film is set up at Skydance and will begin production this summer for a 2019 release. (And if they don’t incorporate that Sneaker Pimps song in some way, this movie is dead to me.)
After that, Bay is in talks to take on Robopocalypse, based on the science-fiction novel by Daniel H. Wilson. Steven Spielberg was originally attached to direct the adaptation from a screenplay by Drew Goddard, with Anne Hathaway, Chris Hemsworth and Ben Whishaw on board to star. But Spielberg put the project on hold indefinitely in 2013; last we heard, he was working on a new screenplay. The filmmaker is still executive producing Robopocalypse, though it’s unclear if Bay will use his script.
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