More ‘Boy Meets’ World Alum Weigh In On ‘Girl Meets World’
Though any official movement has yet to be made regarding the development of the new series, 'Boy Meets World' fans are still reeling from the prospect that the classic TGIF sitcom could return as spin-off/sequel series 'Girl Meets World,' with original cast members in tow. We've already heard a bit about the focus of the series, as well as fan reactions, but what former cast members are now weighing in, and what's so surprising about it?
We were already shocked by the prospect that 'Boy Meets World' could end up reborn on The Disney Channel as 'Girl Meets World,' let alone that members of the original cast might take part. Former Morgan Matthews, Lily Nicksay, previously weighed in that she'd love to take part in the series, and we've since learned that original series creator Michael Jacobs will indeed be involved, but who now is revving his or her engine at the idea? Why, none other than the long-lost Mr. Turner, Anthony Tyler Quinn! Quinn spoke to The Huffington Post to confirm his interest:
"Of course! 'Boy Meets World' was and continues to be these beautiful brushstrokes in my life. It was a wonderful experience, and I think Michael's going to create something fresh. I'd love to be a part of it... There's a lot of different of different ways you could go with it. He could watch [the characters] from a distance as a teacher might do. Or maybe they've been in touch this whole time and never really talked about it. Obviously, I think my character would have grown in the education field, maybe become an administrator.
Fans of the series will remember that Quinn's Harley-driving Mr. Turner featured heavily into the early seasons, though was never seen on-screen following a traumatic motorcycle accident. The character was later confirmed to be alive toward the end of the show's high school years, though only addressed off-screen.
Quinn isn't the only one who chimed in to The Huffington Post, however, as fellow series star William Russ (Alan Matthews) wished the series well, saying, "I'm very excited for Disney and Michael Jacobs. They are a great team and will produce an exceptional show, I have no doubt."
What say you? How much of the original cast do you think could return for 'Girl Meets World'? Give us your picks in the comments!
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