Christian Bale Approves of Robert Pattinson As the New Batman
The fraternity of former Batmen is a small and not particularly close-knit community. Now that Adam West has left us (RIP), here’s only a few men alive who can lay claim to having played The Dark Knight, including Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Ben Affleck, and of course Christian Bale. The next man to wear the cowl will be Robert Pattinson, whose first Batman film is in development right now from director Matt Reeves.
That means that all the former Batman actors get to be asked about Pattinson and his fitness for the role in every interview they do from now until then. And so it happened that Ford v Ferrari actor Christian Bale popped in to the Toronto Film Festival to promote his new movie and was asked (by Variety) what he thought of his latest Bat-successor. Bale deemed Pattinson a “good choice” for the part and an interesting actor. (Bale’s Ford v Ferrari co-star, Matt Damon, added that Pattinson was “fantastic” in the recent movie Good Time from the Safdie brothers.)
Asked if he had any advice for Pattinson as he hones his body and mind to the peak of human perfection in order to put on a rubber bat costume, Bale had only this to say:
Oh, same as Ben (Affleck), just be able to pee by yourself. You don’t feel like a superhero when you aren’t able to piss by yourself.
Very practical advice, Christian. Thank you. And we agree; all superheroes should be able to pee themselves in solitude. And you’re in luck; Pattinson’s The Batman is currently scheduled to open in theaters on June 25, 2021.
Gallery — The History of Batman Onscreen:
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