Cosplay of the Day: A Joker Gender Swap
Joker? More like Joke-Her! Get it? This Joker cosplay pulls the ol' gender swap, bringing us the more feminine side of Batman's most famous foe.
It's a pun totally worthy of Batman's best villain -- this isn't the Joker. This is the Joke-Her! Kelly, aka GammoGahato, is a cosplayer with a fondness for imitating animated characters, like her rad interpretation of Gotham City's craziest and deadliest bad guy, the Joker.
Kelly's take on the Joker is appropriately bright and colorful, breaking from the grimier modern interpretations that have been so prevalent following Heath Ledger's performance in 'The Dark Knight.' After that film, we saw a rise in cosplayers emulating the darker Joker iterations from comics and film, so seeing Kelly's cheerfully playful take on the baddie is refreshing.
We especially love the way she's taken his suit and made it into something feminine and flirty, while keeping the makeup simple. And those spats! She's exaggerated the gentlemanly spats into boots and added some pigtails to give it something of a schoolgirl vibe. To top it all off, she's incorporated Joker's often-seen gag gun with a little flag that says "Bang!"
Check out some photos of Kelly as the Joker below, and head over to her DeviantArt page for more:
Do you have cosplay photos you would like to submit for consideration? E-mail to staff [at] screencrush.com!
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