‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ May Add Elton John
It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside, that Kingsman: The Golden Circle is going to be kind of awesome.
I really enjoyed Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2015’s action comedy that was equal parts goofy throwback to the Roger Moore Bond movies and a raunchy, violent satire of the entire superhero genre. I’m totally on board with the idea of a Kingsman sequel, particularly since director Matthew Vaughn and co-writer Jane Goldman are both back along with Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, and maybe even Colin Firth. Then you add in newcomers Julianne Moore and Halle Berry and the latest potential star, according to The Hollywood Reporter, none other than Sir Elton John. How do you not want to see that movie?
While we know that the movie will continue Egerton’s adventures as Eggsy, the newest member of an elite group of super-spies that protect the world from apocalyptic threats, THR says “it is unclear what role John is taking although he could be playing himself.” John playing himself (possibly as a Kingsman) would certainly fit the anything goes (and ’70s-obsessed) vibe of the franchise; the original comic by Mark Millar (which was called The Secret Service) included Mark Hamill as a character, who did appear in the film version, although not as himself. I suppose John could also be playing the dastardly villain Rocket Man or even the heroic Captain Fantastic. (Casting would then have to commence to find the Brown Dirt Cowboy.)
It’s likely Vaughn is repurposing an idea cut from the original Kingsman movie. The director told ABC News in 2015:
I had an idea of, who’s the worst celebrity you’d want to have locked in a cell? And I came up with Elton John. Having Elton John throwing these huge tantrums. And then I wanted to do an action scene of Elton John kicking the living daylights out of people.
Production on The Golden Circle will begin shortly, so John’s secret will only remain shrouded in mystery for so long. The movie is currently scheduled for release on June 16, 2017.
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