Marvel Shifts ‘Thor 3’, ‘Black Panther’ Release Dates to Make Room For Sony’s New Spider-Man
The date in that image is totally wrong now.
By now you already know that Spider-Man is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as part of a new deal between Marvel and Sony. (By now you’ve also “SQUEEEE!”d about fifty times.) But this pact has ramifications beyond just the Wall-Crawler’s cinematic future. With Sony putting a new solo ‘Spider-Man’ movie on the release calendar for July 28, 2017, that’s necessitated some shuffling of Marvel’s own upcoming films.
Via The Hollywood Reporter, the changes are as follows. Marvel’s previous movie for July 28, 2017, ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ moves to November 3, 2017. ‘Black Panther,’ previously slated for November 3, 2017, is now opening on July 6, 2018 (which previously belonged to ‘Captain Marvel,’ which you should now expect on November 2, 2018 [instead of ‘Inhumans,’ which will open instead on July 12, 2019]).
So, all told, here’s Marvel’s updated release calendar:
‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ - May 1, 2015
‘Ant-Man’ - July 17, 2015
‘Captain America: Civil War’ - May 6, 2016
‘Doctor Strange’ - November 4, 2016
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2’ - May 5, 2017
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ - November 3, 2017
‘Avengers: Infinity War - Part 1’ - May 4, 2018
‘Black Panther’ - July 6, 2018
‘Captain Marvel’ - November 2, 2018
Avengers: Infinity War - Part 2’ - May 3, 2019
‘Inhumans’ - July 12, 2019
And don’t forget the Sony ‘Spider-Man’ movie (co-produced by Marvel’s Kevin Feige) in between ‘Guardians 2’ and ‘Thor 3.’ Got all that? Good, because I’m confused; explain it to me.
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