An Official Marvel Twitter Account Claimed ’Blade’ Is Coming to the MCU In 2022
According to Marvel India’s official Twitter account, Blade might be arriving in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as early as next year. Directed by Mogul Mowgli’s Bassam Tariq, the new Blade will star Mahershala Ali as the half-human half-vampire hybrid. On Tuesday, Marvel India shared a photo teasing the next six MCU releases for 2021 and 2022. In addition to the previously confirmed titles, they also listed Blade with a release date of October 7, 2022.
Marvel India deleted the tweet, but here is a copy of the image they shared:
Blade’s is the only release date on the poster above that hasn’s been officially announced already. If Blade is indeed coming to theaters next October, that means Marvel will have five new MCU installments in 2022. Considering that we have very little information on the project — its casting, plot, and production schedule have been kept under wraps — it does seem a little strange that we would already know its release date. (The fact that the tweet is now deleted suggests it was an error.)
The character of Blade was first explored onscreen in a trilogy of movies that spanned from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Wesley Snipes portrayed the titular vampire in the film franchise, which was written by David S. Goyer. In 2006, the franchise was revived in the form of a TV show, Blade: The Series, during which Kirk “Sticky” Jones portrayed Blade.
Taliq's Blade movie will take a different approach than other MCU titles, mainly because Taliq feels that the character of Blade doesn’t have a specific canon like the Avengers or Spider-Man. Said Taliq in September during a podcast interview: “I can't say anything about it, but I’m so excited about what we’re doing, like I’m so excited ... and I can’t wait.”
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