In a move that's both head-scratching and interesting, it turns out Ouya will be at E3 2013 after all. Well, they'll be down the street. In a parking lot.

According to a release sent out to developers (and spotted by Joystiq), Ouya will be on display for both press and the public just a short walk away from the actual convention. The Android console will be there all three days of E3, from June 11th through June 13th. Ouya will have TVs, controllers, and of course the Ouya consoles on display for any developers that wish to show off what they're planning to do with the diminutive system.

"You'll be able to demo your games to media, E3 attendees and random people on the street who want to see what all the buzz is about," said head of developer relations, Kellee Santiago. "We're going all out to ensure we get the best equipment, and we're also engineering it with the elements of an outside location in mind. We're confident this will turn out to be an awesome event that you and your teams will be proud of!"

Just how well this move will pay off for Ouya remains to be seen. Many of the Kickstarter backers promised early consoles still haven't received them, and with E3 just a few weeks a way, it will certainly be interesting to see if the Android devices arrive before the convention.

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