Sony Plans Animated ‘Spider-Verse’ Sequel and All-Female Spinoff
Days before the release of the first animated Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Sony is already encouraged with the results enough to plan both a sequel and a spinoff. With great power comes the great responsibility to make many, many more Spidey movies.
The Hollywood Reporter says that Sony is already working on two additional animated Spider-Man(s), spinning out of the web of Spider-Verse. One is a direct sequel, directed by Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Joaquim Dos Santos. The other is a spinoff featuring an all-female cast of Spider-Heroes, including “Spider-Gwen. Spider-Woman, Madame Web, Spider-Girl and Silk.” That one’s being written by Bek Smith.
They don’t have any information on Spider-Verse 2, but I think it’s a pretty safe bet a direct sequel would focus exclusively on Miles Morales, the “ultimate” Spider-Man who shares the spotlight with good old Peter Parker in Spider-Verse. This first movie is a nice way to introduce the new character to an audience who may not know his comics; once that’s out of the way, he can headline his own solo movie next.
And by the way, the social media embargo on Into the Spider-Verse lifts tonight at midnight (with the review embargo up tomorrow morning), so expect to see what all the fuss is about then.
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