We break down ‘The Flash’ Season 4 for everything you missed, and all the new heroes, villains and crossovers coming to Central City as Barry gets ‘Reborn.’
It was the set video seen around the world: Tom Cruise, leaping between rooftops for a Mission: Impossible 6 stunt, and slamming into the side of the building at high speed. In the weeks since the accident was officially confirmed — it turns out that Cruise had broken his ankle in the fall — the entire production has been trying to put a positive spin on the news, with director Christopher McQuarrie saying Cruise’s injury actually offered the crew an ‘opportunity’ to tinker a bit with the edit mid-production. Still, the injury shows the downside of Cruise’s legendary attention to detail for movie stunts, and at least one fellow actor had a few unkind words to say about the whole process.
Barry Allen may be trapped in the Speed Force, but The Flash has new heroes and foes alike. Meet The Thinker, as Comic-Con 2017 announces The 100 alum Neil Sandilands as “the fastest mind alive” and Danny Trejo in a paternal new role. Plus, first trailer!
Guest stars are something of an afterthought when it comes to the sci-fi madness of Rick and Morty, but Season 3 won’t be without familiar voices. Not only will co-creator Dan Harmon stage another Community homage of sorts, but Susan freaking Sarandon will also lend her voice.
El Rey’s From Dusk Till Dawn TV series shed enough blood through its first year to earn a second season, now set to premiere on August 25. Better even, the Gecko brothers are back, and they’ve brought Danny Trejo with them for the first Season 2 trailer, which brings plenty of blood, bites and bods.
Snickers has really outdone themselves in the WTF department with their ad for this Sunday’s Super Bowl. In their latest commercial featuring the “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry” concept, Danny Trejo takes on the role of Marcia Brady, while Steve Buscemi plays the role of Jan, which is rather timely, given the currently popular ‘Brady Bunch’ meme that’s been taking over Tumblr.
In the great tradition of films like 'The Last Stand,' 'The Expendables 3,' the 'Red' movies and 'Grudge Match' comes the new 'Bad Asses' trailer, this time showing that Danny Trejo and Danny Glover are not just your run-of-the-mill old geezers who watch TV in tracksuits all day. They're ready to kick some ass.
If you saw 'Machete Kills' in the theater, chances are you caught a glimpse at the trailer for 'Machete Kills Again ... In Space,' the promised third entry in the 'Machete' trilogy. Unfortunately, this might be all we get of 'Machete 3,' so enjoy it while you can. Since 'Machete Kills' only brought in $14 million at the box office, we might not be getting the Machete space adventure we were all pr