The Worst Movies of the 21st Century, According to Letterboxd
By now it should be pretty clear: I love Letterboxd. After my email and my homemade Gymkata fan page, it’s probably my most-visited site on the internet. I use it to log my own viewing habits, keep tabs on what my friends are watching, and get ideas for new things to check out. (Right now I’m working my way through my blind spots from Letterboxd’s Top 250 films ever. The Face of Another is incredible! Go watch it on the Criterion Channel right now.)
Letterboxd is also a great place to get a sense of recent films’ reputations, because you can look through the site’s database of basically every movie in history and sort it in all sorts of ways, including by films’ average rating by Letterboxd’s millions of users. You can also sort by decade and then go through ratings that way.
You can’t necessarily see all the highest and lowest rated movies of the 21st century at a glance, but you can see each of the century’s decades best and worst movies and then cross-reference each and compile one master list of the best or, in this case, the worst films. And that’s what I’ve done below; given you the 50 lowest-rated titles of the 21st century, according to Letterboxd users.
Generally there aren’t a ton of surprises on here, except in the cases of a few obscure titles that made cut. Pretty much all the big guns you expect to see on a list like this are on here, like the film where John Travolta played an evil alien in giant platform boots and dreadlocks, or the movie where James Corden played an anthropomorphic dancing cat. Without further ado, here are all the worst movies of the 21st century, according to Letterboxd...
The Worst Movies of the 21st Century, According to Letterboxd
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