‘Arrow’ Season 2: Check out First Looks at Nyssa al Ghul and Slade’s New Deathstroke Costume!
Tonight's all-new 'Arrow' installment "Tremors" will pay tribute to comic history, as Oliver Queen takes to training Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) as a possible partner, but some of the biggest comic nods from the CW drama have yet to arrive. Before we feel the "Tremors," check out a first look at 'Spartacus' star Katrina Law as DC villainess Nyssa al Ghul, along with a closer look at Slade Wilson's badass new costume!
From IGN, Law's Nyssa al Ghul (not Talia) won't appear until February 5 installment "Heir to the Demon," though the first pictures of the character have arrived. Nyssa will come to Starling City in pursuit of the Canary (Caity Lotz), following the earlier "League of Assassins" warning that "the daughter of R'as al Ghul" had demanded her return. DC comics typically portrays Nyssa as a half-sister to Talia, but it remains unknown if either Talia or her more famous father would ever be Starling-bound.
Elsewhere, Arrow' costume designer Maya Mani and illustrator Andy Poon have revealed new concept art designs of Slade (Law's fellow 'Spartacus' star Manu Bennett)'s "Deathstroke 2.0" costume, that which we saw the present-day character wearing in the final minutes of last week's "Blind Spot." Poon designed an impressive amount of detail into the costume, eschewing more fantastical aspects of the Deathstroke character in past incarnations.
We'll return later tonight for an in-depth look at Roy's training "Tremors," but in the meantime, check out IGN's look at Nyssa al Ghul and a closer glance at Slade's new costume below, and tell us in the comments what you want to see from future 'Arrow' installments!
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