‘Arrow’ Season 3 Finale Trailer and Photos: ‘The Flash’ to the Rescue!
Anyone who caught last night’s Arrow installment “This Is Your Sword” may have been somewhat alarmed by the final minutes, in which … well, everyone seemed to die. Apparently, The CW intends to continue the series after all, releasing a full-length trailer and photos for next week’s Season 3 finale “My Name Is Oliver Queen.” FINE.
It isn’t exactly a spoiler at this point, but those suspecting that Barry Allen’s Flash-y intervention would save the team from certain death were only half-right, according to The CW’s new full-length trailer for the Arrow Season 3 closer. Elsewhere, Ra’s al Ghul seems to have planted not one, but four horsemen instruments of doom around Starling City, leading Ray to wonder if Oliver’s life is worth sacrificing for the city. You know, again.
Bewaring potential spoilers, so reads the Arrow Season 3 finale description for “My Name is Oliver Queen”:
THE HEART-STOPPING SEASON FINALE — Everyone’s lives are in danger as Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him (Stephen Amell) must decide if he’s strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul.
Of course, we also know Oliver will drop by Central City next week to help Barry take on the Reverse Flash, which … is confusing. Oh well, take a look at the Arrow Season 3 finale trailer above and photos below, and get to speculatin’ on the fate of Starling City!
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