Edgar Wright’s ‘Ant-Man’ Moves to Summer 2015
Though there's been no official casting announcements yet, Edgar Wright's 'Ant-Man' has moved up from its original release date of November 6, 2015 to July 31, 2015.
It's been a long time coming, so that it's going to be released a couple months earlier is good news. Wright has been talking about the film for quite some time as he was hired to make the movie back in April 2006, and has finished the script with co-writer Joe Cornish ('Attack the Block'). Perhaps Wright had to conclude his Cornetto trilogy first, as 'The World's End' recently hit theaters, or perhaps Marvel was hoping to build their brand up a little more before they started making films about some of their less well known characters. Regardless, that means Wright will have been involved with the project for nine years by the time the film is released.
With a summer 2015 release date, that means that the film must be nearing the tail end of pre-production (Wright recently tweeted that he was going to take a Twitter break, which he did while filming 'The World's End'), so we may start getting casting announcements shortly. And we'd bet we'll be hearing about Ant-Man/Henry Pym at the tail end of one of Marvel's upcoming movies.
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